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Everything we have comes from God

Stewardship acknowledges that all we have and all we are comes from God. These gifts from God are provided to us as good stewards to use them wisely, justly, and in gratitude.

Each of us must place our own gifts of time, talent and treasure at the service of one another and those in need. The Basilica of Saint Peter has many opportunities for parishioners to serve through its programs and ministries. If you need help finding the right place to serve, please call our office at 803-779-0036.


Saint Peter's depends wholly upon the generosity of our parishioners to sustain and advance our mission of helping the people of the Midlands to encounter Christ. We ask parishioners to commit to ongoing financial support for the parish, consistent with the measure with which God has blessed them.


How to Give

No matter how you give, we encourage you to be intentional, evaluating regularly whether your capacity to give has grown, always seeking God's guidance.

  • Give online. You can give manually on a regular basis or set up recurring gifts so you're sure to be supporting Saint Peter's without interruption. Give now!

  • Use offering envelopes that are mailed to your home. Receiving envelopes but not using them? Call our office at 803-779-0036; we'll discontinue your envelopes and help you get set up with online giving.

  • Distributions. Call Courtney Nowak Khan at 803-779-0036 for any information you may need in order to give via a distribution. Saint Peter's EIN is 57-0350882.

  • Include Saint Peter's in your estate. Call Courtney Nowak Khan at 803-779-0036 for information you may need in order to name Saint Peter's as a beneficiary when you die.

A Stewardship Prayer

Almighty God, We give thanks for all that we have and all that we are. Most of all, we give thanks for the great gift of your Son, Jesus.  We pray that through a personal relationship with the Risen Christ our hearts will  be open to continued conversion in our lives.

We pray that we may be good stewards: that we will follow faithfully, serve joyfully, give generously, live responsibly and possess sensibly.

In gratitude for the abundant gifts you have so graciously given to us we return to you the first fruits of these gifts, through acts of service and by generously sharing all that You have entrusted to us.

Heavenly Father, by Your Holy Spirit, help us to be a gift to others, in Your name, so that when our time on earth is through, we may be welcomed into your heavenly kingdom and hear you say "Well done, my good and faithful servant."



Address:  1529 Assembly Street
               Columbia SC 29201

Mail:        P.O. Box 1896

                Columbia SC 29202

Fax:         803-799-2438

The Basilica is available for private prayer during office hours: 8 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Outside of Mass times, please come to the front doors of the church office (on Assembly Street, near Taylor Street, to enter. 

The Basilica of Saint Peter relies wholly on the generosity of our parishioners and friends to continue and advance our mission of helping people in the Midlands encounter Christ.


Saint Peter's EIN is 57-0350882. Please make your tax-deductible gift today!

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