Welcome, Fr. Kiskama Lemor, Priest-in-Residence

Chaplain Kiskama D. Lemor, also known as Fr. Lemor, is a Sierra Leonean-American, and was ordained to the Catholic priesthood on 7 July 2000. He had his priestly formation in Sierra Leone, Ghana, and Nigeria. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion and Sociology from the University of Nigeria, Nssuka, a Master of Arts degree in Theology from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and a Doctor of Ministry from the Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, DC. His postgraduate studies include a Diploma in Religious Formation from the Daniel Brottier Institute, Nigeria, and Clinical Pastoral Education. Prior to his commissioning in the army, he served for eight years in the Diocese of Orlando, Florida in the parishes of St. Rose of Lima, Poinciana, Church of Our Saviour, Cocoa Beach and St. Margaret Mary, Winter Park.
Captain Lemor was commissioned in the Chaplain Corps, United States Army, in November 2014, and his military assignments include Chaplain to the 257th Transportation Battalion, Movement Control, in Gainesville, Florida (April 2015-Dec 2016); Chaplain to the 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, First Armored Division, Fort Bliss, Texas, during which he deployed to Kuwait, Syria, and Jordan in support of Operation Inherent Resolve and Operation Spartan Shield. Prior to coming to Columbia, he was the chaplain to the Soldiers in Recovery at the Fort Belvoir soldier Recovery Unit, VA.
His personal award includes the Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Achievement Medal, Army Commendation Medal, the Army Service Ribbon and the National Defense Ribbon. He also has gold spurs.
Fr. Lemor will be with us at Saint Peter's for about five months, while he completes a training at Fr. Jackson. We extend a warm Saint Peter's welcome to him!