Marriage Preparation: A Message from Fr. Linsky, including an invitation to our Spring, 2024, course
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Because so many of you have expressed a desire to participate in our Marriage Preparation program, we’ve moved up our next class and will begin in late April. Although we already have ten couples on our list, we’d love to have many more! So, if you’re thinking about popping the question, now’s a great time even if the ring has to wait a bit longer!
If you are seeking to get married in the Catholic Church or would like to have your wedding convalidated in the Catholic Church, this class is for YOU!
As information, to be able to continue receiving the Sacraments of Confession and Eucharist, a Catholic must have his or her marriage recognized by the Church. This requires that they’ve participated in a marriage preparation program, completed prenuptial paperwork and are free to enter into marriage. This also means they’ve addressed any prior marriages whether civil or religious by either party through the process of an annulment. This is where our Marriage Prep program comes to the fore as we work to guide you through all of the above.
Often, Catholics aren’t aware of these requirements which is why we are reaching out to you – in order to meet you where you are and to help you have the joy of the sacraments.
Nearly 150 couples have participated in our unique program, and they’re present at every Mass, their children are being baptized and many are now in our school. We would love for you to join them!
Please contact Lesley Stuart at or 803-779-0036 for more information and to sign up! We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Fr. Gary S. Linsky
The Very Rev'd Canon Gary S. Linsky, V.F., V.P.
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