Lent, 2025: Return to the Lord with your whole heart
Lent is a 40-day season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday (March 5) and ends at sundown on Holy Thursday (April 17). It's a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter. Join the Basilica Family as we journey together through Lent and grow closer to the Lord individually and as a parish.
Ash Wednesday, March 5th, Masses
Ashes will be distributed during Mass only
8:30 AM, 12 PM, 5:30 PM in English
7:30 PM in Spanish
Be reconciled to God
Saturdays, 4 - 5 PM in English
Wednesdays, 4:30 - 5:30 PM in English
Thursdays, 6:30 - 7:15 PM in Spanish
Sundays, 12:20 - 12:45 PM in Spanish
Stations of the Cross
Follow the Lord on His path to the Cross
Wednesdays, 12 PM in English
Fridays, 7 PM in Spanish
Eucharistic Adoration
Draw near to God in the Blessed Sacrament
Wednesdays, 12:30 - 5:45 PM
closes with Solemn Benediction, then a light soup supper in Neglia Hall
Thursdays, 6:30 - 7:30 PM
accompanied by a Rosary in Spanish, followed by Mass in Spanish
First Saturday of the month, 5:30 - 6:30 PM
preceded by Confessions in English, 4 - 5 PM
Lenten Soup Suppers
Join us for fellowship and a light soup supper after Adoration closes for the day.
Wednesdays, 6 PM
Find more information and activities for your Lenten journey in our Sunday bulletin, or subscribe to our emails.