Holy Week 2023 at Saint Peter's
Saint Peter's has a long tradition of celebrating Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum with dignity and grace. Please join us as much as possible during this holy time!

Palm Sunday Masses - April 2nd
9 AM
11 AM
1 PM in Spanish
5:30 PM
Monday of Holy Week - April 3rd
12 PM: Mass
Tuesday of Holy Week - April 4th
no Mass
Wednesday of Holy Week - April 5th
8:30 AM: Mass
12 PM: Stations of the Cross
12:45-5:45 PM: Eucharistic Adoration
4:30-5:30 PM: Confessions
5:45 PM: Solemn Benediction
Holy Thursday - April 6th
7 PM: Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Good Friday - April 7th
12 PM: Stations of the Cross
3 PM: Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion
Holy Saturday - April 8th
8:30 PM: The Great Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday Masses - April 9th
9 AM
11 AM
1 PM in Spanish
No 5:30 PM Mass on Easter