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From the Rector's Desk: News about Donna Tomasini

As the weather turns a bit brisker and the days shorter, we’re acutely aware of the changing of times and seasons. This is also true in other ways at the Basilica as we prepare to bid farewell to our long serving Director of Faith Formation, Mrs. Donna Tomasini, who will retire on January 7th after serving our parish for nearly 16 years. Donna brought an energy, zeal and depth of commitment to keeping up with the field of catechesis and handing on the faith that will be hard to match. She saw a great transformation of our CCD program as we sought to welcome students from all over the world. She has had a special love for reaching adults seeking Christ and in directing and organizing our RCIA program. How noteworthy, therefore, her final year has our greatest number seeking full union with the Catholic Church.

Given Donna’s departure and Ana Hidalgo’s only a few months ago, we are avidly seeking to replace her with someone who is bi-lingual. It also provides us an opportunity to consider “How” we approach the challenge of handing on the faith to our youth. I see hiring a director of Faith Formation as our number one challenge but also envision the eventual hiring of a Director of Evangelization that can provide oversight to Faith Formation and support our many educational and outreach programs.

We’ll have an opportunity to say our thanks to Donna before she leaves. But if you see her, let her know how her work at Saint Peter’s has blessed you. By the way, you may see our ad for the Director of Faith Formation on Please feel free to share it with anyone you believe might be qualified and interested in this important work.

In Christ,

Fr. Gary Linsky

The Very Rev’d Canon Gary S. Linsky, V.F.



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