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From the Rector's Desk: Basilica staff updates

Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Peter’s:


I am pleased to share with you several updates to our Basilica staff.


First, we’ve hired parishioner Colleen Mulero to replace Courtney Nowak Khan as our Director of Parishioner Engagement and Communication. Colleen will join our staff in mid-May in order to have a two-week overlap with Courtney so she can be operationally ready to assume her duties when Courtney steps away at the end of the month. Colleen comes to us with management and marketing experience in the field of multi-family housing, and is a graduate of Columbia College with a degree in Public Relations. I am excited about the ideas she is bringing to the table and the ways she’ll build upon the foundation Courtney has laid. Along with her husband, Pierce, and their young son, Sebastian, Colleen has been an active member of the parish for the past two years. 


Next, I’m happy to share that we’ll have the joy of hosting a transitional deacon this summer. Many of you remember then transitional deacon (now, Father) Rafael Ghattas when he spent a brief time here in the summer of 2020. This summer, we’ll have the blessing of having his brother, soon-to-be transitional deacon Michael Ghattas, shortly after his ordination in late May. Deacon Michael will be with us until the end of July and I look forward to keeping him busy.


I’m most excited to announce that even more help is on the way. On July 1st, one of our soon-to-be newly ordained priests, Father Erik Roman, will assume duties as Parochial Vicar at Saint Peter’s. Father Roman is totally bilingual and will bring tremendous gifts to our parish. While assisting me with our Spanish-speaking ministries, I intend for him to actively engage with St. Peter’s Catholic School, our Saint Peter’s Young Professionals, and our religious education programs, particularly our high school and confirmation youth. He’ll also free me to travel across the diocese in fulfillment of my diocesan responsibilities as Secretary of the Clergy and Vicar of Priests.


One last joy, Father Andrew Fryml, our former Parochial Vicar, will be residing in our Rectory and may appear from time-to-time. He’s been given the task of coordinating Campus Ministries throughout the state and Catholic Education in the Columbia and Charleston deaneries. I very much look forward to having him nearby.


The 22 priest assignments that the Bishop approved this week include yet another change for Saint Peter’s: Our part-time Parochial Vicar, Father Gustavo Corredor, will assume responsibilities, effective July 1, with the Diocesan Office of Hispanic Ministry and parishes in the Charleston area. We are grateful for Father Gustavo’s ministry in our parish; I know you’ll join me in thanking him for his service.


It’s been quite a year and I know having more hands, especially Father Roman’s, will make an immense difference.  We’ll be sad to say farewell to Courtney and Father Gustavo Corredor but know they’ll bring great joy in their future endeavors.



Fr. Gary S. Linsky

The Very Rev. Canon Gary S. Linsky, VF, VP

Rector, the Basilica of Saint Peter, Columbia, SC

Secretary of the Clergy, The Diocese of Charleston, SC



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