Advent at Saint Peter's, 2021

Join your Saint Peter's family during Advent to make this brief season of waiting intentional, prayerful, and fruitful.
Tuesday, November 30 | 4 - 6 PM: Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesday, December 1:
12 PM: Stations of the Cross
12:45 - 5:45 PM: Eucharistic Adoration
4-5:30 PM: Confession
5:45 PM: Solemn Benediction
6 PM: Soup supper in Neglia Hall
Friday, December 3 - Friday, December 10 | 7 PM: Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena in the Basilica or in Neglia Hall (6 PM on Sunday, December 5)
Saturday, December 4 | 5:30-6:30 PM: Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesday, December 8: The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation
8:30 AM Mass
12 PM Mass
4 - 5:30 PM: Confession
6 PM Mass, followed by parish potluck
Saturday, December 11 | 6 PM: Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe, Empress of the Americas, followed by a cultural celebration in Neglia Hall
Wednesday, December 15:
12 PM: Stations of the Cross
12:45 - 5:45 PM: Eucharistic Adoration
4 - 5:30 PM: Confession
5:45 PM: Solemn Benediction
6 PM: Soup supper in Neglia Hall
Wednesday, December 22:
12 PM: Holy Mass
12:45 - 5:45 PM: Eucharistic Adoration
4 - 5:30 PM: Confession
5:45 PM: Solemn Benediction
6 PM: Soup supper in Neglia Hall