In-person Mass guidelines: September, 2020

Having just completed a season of repairs and renovation, including replacement of our pews, we are thrilled to welcome you back into the Basilica! Alas, in a time of global pandemic, we remain diligent in our efforts to create a safe, yet reverent, environment for your participation in the Mass. Please understand and observe the following guidelines for participation:
Protect yourself and others by taking precautions to prevent infection.
Please wear masks or face coverings as a way of reducing the spread of COVID-19; if you do not have a mask, we can provide one for you!
We have provided hand sanitizer in the narthex for your use.
Staff and volunteer ushers will seat you.
We have cordoned off every other pew to facilitate adequate distance between worshipers.
Update, March 26, 2021: We have removed the ropes from pews in some sections of the church, but will endeavor to continue to maintain social distance between households. Those who prefer more space may be seated in the sections that remain cordoned or in our overflow rooms (Neglia Hall and/or Gibson Hall).
We will try our best to accommodate seating preferences as long as social distance between families/households can be maintained.
We have seating in Neglia Hall and Gibson Hall to accommodate overflow.
At Communion:
Staff and volunteer ushers will dismiss you, pew by pew, to the Communion procession.
Please allow for space of six feet between you and the next person in line.
Please remove your mask as you approach Fr. for Communion.
We are currently distributing Communion in the hand only.
All doors will be opened to allow you to exit the Basilica.
Baskets are available at each exit for your offerings; thank you for your ongoing generosity!