From the Rector's Desk: An announcement about Fr. Andrew Fryml

Dear Parishioners of Saint Peter’s: Yesterday, the Bishop of Charleston released the assignments of many of our diocesan priests to include our Parochial Vicar, Fr. Andrew Fryml. With an effective date of July 15th, Fr. Fryml will be assigned as Chaplain to Bishop England High School and Sacramental Priest for the College of Charleston with residence in the Parish of Christ Our King in Mount Pleasant. He will not be replaced. While this news has been long anticipated, I greet it with great personal sadness. Over the past four years, first as a transitional deacon and then as a newly ordained priest, Father Fryml has ministered with great effect at both Saint Peter’s and Cardinal Newman High School. From the beginning, he proved to be an excellent homilist who willingly addressed challenging issues to include, most recently, his homily on racism in light of the murder of George Floyd. Many have invited him in their homes and hearts and will greatly miss the pastoral gifts and humor (bad at times) he provided especially during our COVID-19 lockdown. And for me, personally, he has been both a wonderful and loyal collaborator in ministry and a great friend. Parochial vicars generally stay, at most, two years in their first assignments. We were extremely blessed the Bishop allowed Father Fryml to remain three predominantly because of last summer’s change in leadership at Cardinal Newman. His experience there will serve him tremendously in his new assignments. His labors at Cardinal Newman and his prior experience as a student at Saint Joseph Catholic High School in the upstate, have given him a keen insight into the difficulties of youth in the turbulent years of adolescence and emerging adulthood. His zeal for their souls and ability to impart sound moral guidance in a society bereft with growing confusion and strife will bring a healing balm to those who will soon be in his pastoral care. We now have a month to say goodbye. I’m not sure yet how that will look from a parish perspective given we’re still limited by COVID-19 restrictions. However, I encourage your reaching out to him by email, card and letter to let him know how he has touched your hearts and helped you spiritually. Of course, Fr. Fryml’s departure and the reality he will not be replaced, will require some changes in how we accomplish our ministry at the Basilica. I will address this in the near future. For now, let’s focus on enjoying this last month with our Parochial Vicar and wishing him God-speed in his new pastoral endeavors. Fraternally, Fr. Gary S. Linsky The Very Rev’d Canon Gary S. Linsky, V.F. Rector