Holy Week 2020: Enter Deeply into the Passion of Our Lord

Saint Peter's has a long tradition of celebrating Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum with dignity and grace. Under these difficult circumstances, our commitment to you is to continue this liturgical tradition as best we can, and we encourage your participation. While we are somewhat limited in our celebrations without a live congregation and have restrictions in place set by the Holy See and the Diocese of Charleston, the fact remains that these are the central days of the entire liturgical year and the heart of the Church’s life. We cannot let them pass by without the emphasis that they merit.
Join us in prayerful unity from wherever you may be. All services may be
viewed live on our Facebook page (facebook.com/visitstpeters). You do NOT need to have a Facebook account in order to view our Facebook page.
heard on 92.7 FM in downtown Columbia (excepting the Chrism Mass on Holy Tuesday).
Our Holy Week observances are as follows (with differences you may note):
Passion Sunday / Palm Sunday (April 5)
Masses at 10 AM (English) and 12 PM (Spanish)
English order of worship and Passion readings
Spanish order of worship and Passion readings
We will not bless or distribute palms
Monday of Holy Week (April 6)
Mass at 10 AM
Tuesday of Holy Week (April 7)
Chrism Mass to be celebrated in Charleston at 11 AM: may be viewed live at the Diocese YouTube channel (youtube.com/DioceseChas) or on the Diocese Facebook page (facebook.com/DioceseChas).
Only the deans and vicars general of the diocese will gather in Charleston for the Chrism Mass. All other priests of the diocese will join virtually and celebrate individually.
Wednesday of Holy Week (April 8)
Mass at 10 AM
The Paschal Triduum
The Latin word "Triduum," literally translated, means "three days." These three days are the central days of the entire liturgical year and are the heart of the Church's life. It is best understood as one single observance that is so great a mystery that its celebration is extended over three days. They are together the Christian High Holy Day, the day when we celebrate most fully our salvation won by our Lord, Jesus Christ. We enter into especially sacred time during these three days.
Thursday of Holy Week (April 9)
Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7 PM
There will be no washing of feet
We will not have a procession; the Blessed Sacrament will be returned to the Tabernacle at the close of the service
The Mass ends with a final collect
Friday of the Passion of the Lord / Good Friday (April 10)
The Celebration of the Passion of the Lord at 3 PM
Adoration of the Cross can either be a simple bow or silent prayer, if viewed on the internet; you may also venerate your personal cross
The Easter Vigil of the Holy Night (April 11)
Vigil begins at 8 PM
We will neither light a fire nor hold a procession; the blessing and lighting of the Easter candle begins the vigil
We will neither baptize nor receive individuals into the Church (postponed until Pentecost)
Easter Sunday (April 12)
Masses at
10 AM (English)
12 PM (Spanish)