2019 Advent: Prepare Your Heart

Advent is a season of waiting, watching and preparing. Join us and prepare your heart as a dwelling place for Christ.

Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesday afternoons during Advent (December 4, 11, 18)
Adoration opens at 12 noon with Stations of the Cross and closes with Benediction at 5:45, followed by a light soup supper in Neglia Hall.

Advent Soup Suppers
Wednesdays during Advent
6 PM
Join us after Adoration for a simple soup supper in Neglia Hall.

Advent Penance Services
throughout the Columbia Deanery
All services are at 7 PM, except where indicated
Thurs, Dec 5: Our Lady of the Lake Sat, Dec 7: Corpus Christi (Noon) Mon, Dec 9: St. John Neumann Tues, Dec 10: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Thurs, Dec 12: St. Martin de Porres Mon, Dec 16: Our Lady of the Hills Wed, Dec 18: The Basilica of Saint Peter