Pray and Fast: 40 Days for Life

Wednesday, September 25 - Sunday, November 3
Pray and fast for an end to abortion in our community. Peaceful prayer vigils will be held from 7 AM to 7 PM every day at Planned Parenthood of Columbia. The Catholic churches in our area will specifically be praying at that location on Saturdays. Sign up after Mass on the weekends of 9/28-29 and 10/5-6.
The Respect Life Committee at The Basilica of Saint Peter is also offering or promoting the following activities designed to educate and inspire us during the 40 days:
Holy Hour with Adoration I Thursday, September 26 following the Noon Mass in the Basilica

Book Discussion Thursdays during October | 11 - 11:45 AM in the Conference Room Shockwaves: Abortion's Wider Circle of Victims Books available in the church office for anyone who wishes to read or participate in the discussion. Life Chain Sunday, October 6 | 2 - 3 PM at Forest Drive and Beltline Boulevard Join the faithful from around Columbia and hold signs that promote a pro-life message.
Rosary Vigil for Life
Saturday, October 12 | 8 - 9 AM
Planned Parenthood of Columbia
Tour: Birthright of Columbia Saturday, October 19 | 10 AM Birthright of Columbia Learn more about this important pro-life organization that ministers to women and girls facing an unplanned or difficult pregnancy. Holy Hour with Adoration II Date and time TBD Contact Marilyn Gray for more information.