January 27, 2019: From the Rector's Desk

Dear Basilica Family:
I’m happy to announce the Bishop of Charleston, the Most Reverend Robert E. Guglielmone, has, assigned the Reverend John Bosco Duraisamy to be in-residence at Saint Peter’s and to serve as Catholic Chaplain for Providence Hospital effective February 4, 2019.
Father John Bosco will replace Father Bernard and have a similar relationship with our parish, living in our rectory and celebrating Friday Masses and an occasional Weekend Mass. He will not be here to provide counselling, celebrate weddings, funerals or baptisms leaving these things for Fr. Fryml and I. Yet, his presence will still be of importance, spiritually, for us all. At my request, he’s written a letter to tell us more about himself which we’re inserting into today’s bulletin. I ask that you make him very welcome in our parish and share with him words of encouragement as he ministers to us.
Sadly, I will not be with most of you for Dr. Kotylo’s final weekend at Saint Peter’s on February 2nd and 3rd as I will be participating in my Sister, Jan’s Funeral service that Saturday afternoon in New York City. As I wrote when I announced his pending departure in late November, Andy has been a tremendous blessing for us during his two and a half year tenure. I will especially miss his incredible improvisational skills and the joy with which he accompanies our hymns. While many can play repertoire as he does very well, not all are as sensitive to the importance of hymns and the need to match registration to the words being sung in order to underscore the theology and depth of the author and composer’s intention. We don’t often clap at Saint Peter’s for music and Dr. Kotylo is generally playing while you depart the Church. Therefore, few of you have had the opportunity to speak with and thank him for his amazing musicianship and ministry. I hope you will take a moment to reflect on the importance of music in sacred worship and thank him verbally or in writing (we can always forward your letters) as well as Randall Moore and Mathew DeGuire who have served our contemporary service for nearly 33 years! We should never take such efforts for granted and I hope your encouragement and appreciation will give Andy a wonderful send off.
That being said, finding the right person to lead our music program is challenging and will take more time. We have re-written our position description and re-posted it on several well-respected job sites. As we continue our search, I’m hopeful that Dr. Larry Wyatt, Professor of Music at the University of South Carolina and Director of the University Choirs will serve as an interim choir director. Kirstina Collins will direct our Cappella Pueri (children’s choir). Several local organists are currently lined up to play for the next few months. Additionally, a possible interim organist should be interviewing soon. Please pray that the right staff will soon be found and brought on board.
Lastly, you’ll notice we’re advertising for a new, part-time bookkeeper. Robin Carroll, a retired forensic CPA, parishioner and member of both our parish and Diocesan Finance Councils, has assisted us, voluntarily for nearly two years. She has been a phenomenal asset but now needs to spend more time with her family. We are exceptionally grateful for all that she has done for us. The books are in fantastic shape. She’s not abandoning us but will instead, continue to serve but more in an advisory capacity, lending some oversight to ensure our books are properly maintained and finances remain in-order. If you have experience in bookkeeping, please consider applying for this important position.
As always, ours remains a busy and I hope, healthy parish! Let’s work together to keep it that way!
The Very Rev’d Canon Gary S. Linsky, V.F. Rector of the Basilica of Saint Peter