Beloved Children of the Holocaust
Mary Burkett Wednesday, March 14 at 6:30 p.m. Neglia Hall (Join us for Benediction and community pot-luck dinner 5:45 p.m.) West Columbia's Mary Burkett says she draws the sketches of children killed in the Holocaust so they won't be forgotten. They have a name and a family, even though they were killed so young. Their faces exude happiness, though, for the photos that Burkett worked from were taken when the children were with their families, before being sent to the horror of the death camps. Those who have seen her work are amazed; the images jump out of the paper. She has captured the essence of the children. HOW? NOT WHY? Mary, a Catholic, can’t say why she, a non-artist, has found herself making portraits of Jewish children killed in the Holocaust, she only knows she was drawn to it, like a calling. She says, “I’m not an artist. I’ve just been given this wonderful opportunity to let these children have a voice. They’ve been waiting 75 years to say something. Their little voices were taken from them, and I’m trying to give them a chance.” So we may plan accordingly, please sign up to attend; contact Donna Tomasini 803-779-0036 or to attend.