Advent Day!
The results are in….our ADVENT DAY was a HUGE success! Approximately 189 children and youth gathered in the Bernardin Center and Parish School for a day (almost 7 hours!) filled with service and activities focused on the special days, themes and events that make up the Advent season.

- The children heard how the Angel came to Mary and asked her to bear Christ and she said YES because she loved God and had faith that God loved her! The children made a special Mary ornament. They talk about how they could follow Mary’s example of saying YES to God out of love, obedience and faithfulness!
- They made an Advent Lapbook to take home to focus on Hope, Peace, Joy and Love each week of Advent and remind them that the season of Advent is about waiting and preparing for Jesus.

- They learned how St. Nicholas did HIDDEN acts of kindness to show his love for God. They made a St. Nicholas door hanged with a message of how they will be following St. Nicholas’ example and how to show God’s love through their own hidden acts of kindness.
-They also learned Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patroness of the Americas and her feast day December 12. They heard the story of Juan Diego who saw the Blessed Mother who asked him to have the Bishop build a Church on the hilltop in Mexico. The Bishop believed Juan Diego story when he saw the Blessed Mother’s image miraculously imprinted on Juan Diego’s tilma. The children each made their own tilma with the image of the Blessed Mother. - Advent Bingo – We included a twist on the time honored game of Bingo. The children/youth played Advent Bingo as a way of having fun while learning Advent facts. - Sing a Song Unto the Lord – They spent time making a joyful noise as they sang songs of ADVENT. They made a Liturgical calendar learning about our different Liturgical Seasons which begin anew with the First Sunday of Advent. Middle School Youth– Sixth Grade had a day packed with faith, fun and fellowship by participated in a morning retreat with the Middle School Advisors. Throughout the day 5 parishioners shared their faith stories, they watch the movie “God is NOT Dead” and with a discussion on how they know God is not dead and ways we can share faith with others. They also made an ornament that focused on the 4 pillars of the Church; Scripture/Tradition, Sacraments, Christian Living, and Prayer and a reflection activity focusing on asking God for assistance in changing those areas of their lives that lead them to sin. And of course, there was time for food and fellowship. Senior High Youth (9—12) This was a day of service and reflection. They mentored the children as assistants in the activity centers, on the playground and lunch time. The other half of the day was spent in service making and decorating 430 cookies!!! They added prayer notes to each package. These goodies will be given to Catholic Charities to distribute to their clients. Each year the children and youth donate funds to help with an outreach area. This year our outreach is going to the relief efforts in Puerto Rico…we collected a whopping $328.00. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To the high school youth who gave up their Saturday to assist as activity and group leaders for the younger children, helping with technology and logistics; and the dedicated catechists, parents and parishioners who gave their time and shared their faith to help our children deepen their understanding of the season of Advent as we prepare for the birth of Christ! Thank you also to all who donated supplies and gave financial resources. This day was a blessing to all who participated! Thank you!
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DECEMBER/JANUARY SCHEDULE: NO SESSIONS for K-4 through 8 grade. Classes resume on January 3, 2018
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.