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Faith Formation News

2017-18 Religious Education

Registrations forms have been mailed to returning students. New student registrations are now being accepted. Families must be registered members of St. Peter’s Parish. Please note: if you have a student who is preparing for 1st Communion or Confirmation, you must provide a copy of their Baptismal Certificate and Birth Certificate with your registration. If these documents do not accompany their registration we cannot enroll them in the Sacramental Preparation. No one is denied Religious Education due to monetary concerns. If your family is experiencing financial difficulty, please contact Donna Tomasini 772-7400 (confidentiality is respected).

Religious Education and Youth Ministry Registrations closes on SEPTEMBER 9th!

Religious Education Classes start

Wednesday, Sept. 13th 6:30 P.M. - 7:45 P.M. in the School.

No registration forms will be accepted on opening night!

Registrations will be re-opened on September 14th if there is grade level space available.

Confirmation Preparation for 2017-18 has begun!

Youth 9th-12 Grade

If have a youth in grades 9-12 who would like to be confirmed, please contact Donna Tomasini 779-0036 or Preparation is underway now!

Confirmation parent & Youth meeting with Fr. Linsky

Sunday – September 17th 9:00 a.m. Neglia Hall. Don't be late!!

Adult Faith Formation: Lifelong and Ongoing

Check out our array of opportunities for you!

Catholic updates: What the Church Teaches

Brief overviews on a variety of Church Teachings

Conveniently between the 9 a.m. AND 11 a.m. mass on Sunday!

45 minute bursts of information

First in our series: September - 10th – Sacraments and Sacramentality

Deacon Michael Younginer

10:10 (immediately following 9 a.m. Mass) – Neglia Hall

Please register so we may plan appropriately.

Donna Tomasini 779-0036 or

or Dcn. Michael Younginer,

True Reformers – Saints of the Catholic Reformation

Wednesdays beginning September 13th 6:30-7:45 p.m. – Neglia Hall

6 week Series

Join us on journey with Saints: Thomas More, Ignatius of Loyola, Philllip Neri, Charles Borromeo, Teresa of Avila and Francis DeSales who are Saints of the Reformation!!! They show us how powerful and beautiful is the human heart’s response to God’s generous grace. For more information contact: Donna Tomasini 779-0036 or or Kimberly Brown

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               Columbia SC 29201

Mail:        P.O. Box 1896

                Columbia SC 29202

Fax:         803-799-2438

The Basilica is available for private prayer during office hours: 8 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Outside of Mass times, please come to the front doors of the church office (on Assembly Street, near Taylor Street, to enter. 

The Basilica of Saint Peter relies wholly on the generosity of our parishioners and friends to continue and advance our mission of helping people in the Midlands encounter Christ.


Saint Peter's EIN is 57-0350882. Please make your tax-deductible gift today!

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