Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
RCIA provides a process of initiation into the Catholic faith for those who are unbaptized or baptized in a faith tradition other than Catholic and are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith.
There are several periods to the RCIA. The Inquiry Period seeks to answer general questions. No commitments are made by the individual, only an opportunity to have questions answered and receive some basic explanations on the Church. If after a period of Inquiry an individual wants to come into the Church, they are invited to participate in the Candidate/Catechumenate period of formation. During this period the mystery of Christ is proclaimed. Teachings of the Church connected to everyday life experiences empower one to respond to Christ’s call to love and service. Following this, one enters into period of immediate preparation for reception into the Church.
The RCIA process is offered year round.
Please contact Mariana Flores for more information: mariana@visitstpeters.org or 803-779-0036
Volunteers welcome!
The RCIA process also invites Catholics to witness to their faith through RCIA. All of us can assist another to live as a disciple of Christ. Please contact Mariana Flores if you are interested in serving with our RCIA team: mariana@visitstpeters.org or 803-779-0036