The Men's Prayer Group
The Men’s Prayer Group (MPG) meets every Wednesday morning in Neglia Hall at 6:55 a.m.
Those attending should use the entrance to the Cardinal Bernardin Center near the corner of Taylor and Assembly Streets. The MPG is personally led by our Pastor, Father Linsky.
Each meeting begins with a brief prayer and then continues with a discussion on Scripture, a point of Church teaching, contemporary issue or moral concern affecting men in our parish. Find out more on the Men's Prayer Group Blog here.
Our meetings conclude with the celebration of Morning Prayer and end at 8:00 a.m.
All men in the parish are invited and encouraged to participate when available.

Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer that encourages a receptive resting in God.
Not meant to replace other kinds of prayer, centering fosters both a relationship with God and the discipline to maintain and build that relationship.
While we hope practitioners develop an individual practice of prayer, Centering Prayer Group meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month.
The church opens at 6:00pm. Please contact Greg Carbone or Karen Beidel at 803-376-4396 for more information.