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Parishioner Outreach


The mission of our Parishioner Outreach Ministry is to help members of the parish who are sick, hospitalized or home-bound maintain connectivity with our parish family. Outreach Ministers are trained to meet a number of needs, including administering the Holy Eucharist, calling or visiting, or making care packages. Many who serve in this ministry do so in tandem with their affiliation with other ministries of the parish, like the Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality or the Legion of Mary.

Volunteers who visit with homebound parishioners are Safe Haven trained and certified.

Please contact Courtney Nowak Khan if you are in need of care from the Outreach Ministry, or if you wish to use your gifts in the service of this ministry: or 803-779-0036.




Address:  1529 Assembly Street
               Columbia SC 29201

Mail:        P.O. Box 1896

                Columbia SC 29202

Fax:         803-799-2438

The Basilica is available for private prayer during office hours: 8 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Outside of Mass times, please come to the front doors of the church office (on Assembly Street, near Taylor Street, to enter. 

The Basilica of Saint Peter relies wholly on the generosity of our parishioners and friends to continue and advance our mission of helping people in the Midlands encounter Christ.


Saint Peter's EIN is 57-0350882. Please make your tax-deductible gift today!

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