Music Ministry
The Music Ministry of historic Saint Peter’s Church reflects the vibrancy of our parish community. Saint Paul admonishes the church to proclaim her witness in “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.”
Our musical diversity is truly a reflection of the Catholic Church. Instrumentalists augment our regular choristers on high feast days of the church.
Our typical Sunday celebration of the Holy Mass is led by the following musical forces, Assumption (August 15) through Corpus Christi (mid-June):
- Sunday at 9 AM: Gallery Choir or Capella Pueri
- Sunday at 11 AM: Schola or Capella Pueri
- Sunday at 1 PM: Coro Hispano (Mass in Spanish)
- Sunday at 5:30 PM: Contemporary Ensemble
- Wednesdays at 8:30 AM: Capella Pueri (School Mass)
- Holy Days: As announced