Middle School Faith Formation: Grades 7 and 8
Middle School Youth Ministry seeks to provide a holistic approach to adolescent faith formation addressing their spiritual, social, liturgical, and stewardship formation.
To enhance their spiritual development, the curriculum for 7th -8th Grade uses the LifeTeen "Edge" series. They will gain a greater understanding of Scriptures, reflect on our liturgy and worship, and discern choices of morality based on their Catholic Christian beliefs.
Eighth grade youth also begin preparation for Confirmation by intentional reviewing of Catholic dogma and doctrine. The curriculum will include opportunities for social/communal and liturgical development of the early adolescent. Several special events include leading younger children in praying the Stations of the Cross and Advent Day activities. We strive to foster stewardship as a way of life by providing youth with opportunities to put their faith into action through service and ministry. Their stewardship formation includes invitation to participate in ministries of the parish, participation in the Open Hearts and Hands youth stewardship, the Sandwich Ministry which provides sandwiches for the local homeless shelter, and cards to home-bound parishioners.
Last but not least, the Middle School Ministry also seeks to build community through good old-fashioned fun both inside and outside the classroom.
For more information and to register in Middle School Faith Formation, contact Mariana Flores, Director of Faith Formation, 803-779-0036 or mariana@visitstpeters.org