Saints Anne & Joachim Family Catechism
Saint Anne and Saint Joachim are the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. They were entrusted by God to raise her in faith, allowing her to say yes to God's need for a perfect Mother of Jesus.
Our ministry:
We support parents, grandparents, and godparents who are raising children in the Church, to help them follow in the footsteps of Saints Anne and Joachim. The members of our ministry include RCIA facilitators and parents with children. Our goal is to give you the tools and assistance you need to be successful in your home church.
How it works:
We will meet on Wednesday nights when there is Religious Education (RE) for youth and children. We start with a short presentation related to your child's RE lesson that week. We then break out into two groups: a support group for parents/grandparents/godparents leading their home church, and an adult catechesis group.
We help you:
Expand your understanding of your child's RE lesson so you can help their learning at home. When your child comes to you with excitement, or questions, about what they learned, you will be able to share the joy of learning and have confidence to discuss it with them.
Supplement your child's catechism through access to other materials and lessons. Our ministry parents will share lots of resources and activities, suitable for your child's age group, that can sweeten your family together time.
Deepen your faith and understanding of Catholic tradition. Our faith comes from both the heart and the head. The fullness of Catholicism is deep, and our adult catechists help you make sense of it all.
Please join us! Contact Stephen Tuel: