Upcoming Events for Family Fellowship
- Family Game Night! Saturday October 21 Bring the whole family out to the Penso house for an evening of games and refreshments. For...

Senior Singles
Join us at 1801 Grille located at 700 Lincoln Street near Blossom Street on Thursday, October 19, at 6:00 PM. This is an opportunity for...

Christmas Cards available
Members of the committee who produced “The Stained Glass Windows” booklet designed a Christmas Card for 2017. The lovely Annunciation...
First Reconciliation Parent Meeting
The first parent meeting for children who are preparing for their First Reconciliation is on Wednesday, October 4 in Neglia Hall 6:15 p.m....
Toys for Children at Christmas
The St. Peter's sodality will again be collecting toys for the children attending the St. Vincent de Paul Christmas dinner that is hosted...

NO Daily Masses
The priests of the Diocese of Charleston will be on retreat from Monday October 2 through Thursday October 5. There will be NO daily...

Blessing of the animals
Father Linsky will have a "Blessing of the Animals" on Wednesday October 11 at 2.30 pm in honor of St. Francis of Assisi in what has...

Reminder: “Vatican Councils I and II: What they were and what they were not!”
Come Sunday October 22nd starting at 7:00 PM (following 5:30 Mass) for a light supper and Presentation in Neglia Hall. Doors will be open...

Knights of Columbus Breakfast
Homemade Breakfast, prepared by the Knights of Columbus after the 9am and 11am Masses on October 8, 2017. Get the best breakfast in town!...
Young Professionals/ Tapping Theology
Schedule for Saint Peter's Young Professionals: - Tuesday, Sept 26: Tapping Theology @ Arabesque on Devine 6 - 7: Happy...