Baptismal Preparation
Are you expecting? Prepare before your bundle of joy arrives! Do you have a child you wish to have Baptized? Don’t put off having your...
Thank You!
To all of St. Peter's ladies who provided sandwiches for the Columbia Council for Internationals (CCFI) at USC on Friday, November 3....
Advent Penance Services
As is tradition during Advent Season, special penance services are held to give everyone the chance to take part in the Sacrament of...
Letter from Father Linsky
November 9, 2017 Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Peter’s: As most of you are aware, last February, the Bishop of Charleston by...
Adoration 2017: Almost here and it just got better!
Each year during Advent and Lent, Saint Peter's offers people the chance to spend time in Adoration of Our Lord! People are invited to...
Good Shepherd Chapel to Close November 26th
Father Linsky invites you to read the letter he sent last week to attendees of Good Shepherd Chapel announcing its final Mass and closure...
Change of date: Sodality Meeting
St Peter's Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality will be having their next meeting on Tuesday November 28 at 6 PM in Neglia Hall. We will be...
27th Annual Thanksgiving Dinner
The Twenty-Seventh Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Sponsored by St. Peter’s Catholic Church and First Baptist Church, will be held at the...
Christmas Gifts for Children
The St. Peter's Sodality will again be collecting toys for the children attending the St. Vincent de Paul Christmas dinner that is hosted...
Saint Peter's Senior Singles: Basketball!
Come out to see the Championship Girls Basketball team take on Texas A&M, December 31 at 2:00pm. All home games are played at Colonial...