Isn't it time to get involved?
It's a new year! Isn't it time to get involved and feel more a part of St. Peter's? There are many opportunities to participate in the...
St. Peter's Young Professionals
Upcoming events! Tapping Theology: January 23, Tuesday, 6:30pm, Villa Tronco Italian Restaurant February 20, March 20, and April 17...
Baptismal Preparation
Are you expecting? Prepare before your bundle of joy arrives! Do you have a child you wish to have Baptized? Don’t put off having your...

Wednesday Night Bible Study
This eight-part study provides the easiest way to understand the Bible. Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible makes the complex simple. It...

Welcoming two new sisters in Christ
We were overjoyed this Sunday to welcome two new sisters in Christ through the waters of Baptism!

Angels in the Vista Auction
Celebrating 165 Years!! Friday, February 9, 2018 @ 6:30 p.m. Seawells, 1125 Rosewood Drive Tickets are now on sale for the annual...

70th Anniversary Celebration
Last Sunday, Saint Peter's had the honor of hosting a celebration for the 70th wedding anniversary of the Manley's. These wonderful...

Women's Group: Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St Peter's Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality is having their first meeting of 2018 on Tuesday January 16 at 6 PM in Gibson Hall. We will be...

Women of the Word Bible Study
Watch out for these schedule changes for January! Monday Mornings 10:00 – 11:15 AM, childcare available. No class Jan 15th due to the...

Intro to Centering Prayer
Sunday, February 11, 10 a.m. in Neglia Hall OR Sunday, February 11, 6:30 in the Conference Room Same Presentation will be offered at...