2018 Lenten Fish Fry
A cherished tradition from the Knights of Columbus! Our Local Council will hold their 2018 Lenten Fish Frys on February 16, 23 and March...
Goodbye, Best Wishes and THANK YOU
All are cordially invited to come wish Peggy and Bill Thompson well before they move to Raleigh, North Carolina. A reception will be held...
Family Fellowship
Strengthening Families through Faith and Friendships! What is it? Connecting families with families through friendship, faith and food! ...

Women of the Word: Ladies’ Bible Study
Spend time in study, prayer, and fellowship with other women of the parish who share your desire to grow closer to God. Monday Mornings...
Fish Fridays
Starting Friday, February 16, the Knights of Columbus, will once again host the delicious fish fries during Lent at 1623 Marion Street....

Greeters Needed!
Get connected with your parish: be a greeter!! The Mass Greeter Ministry welcomes parishioners as they arrive at Masses and offer a...

- Mañana viernes, 2 de febrero, a las 7:00pm, estaremos en la iglesia celebrando la Presentación de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en el...

Lent approaches
Lent begins– February 14 Three Pillars of Lent Lent is about graced change. As with any lasting change we need to prepare ourselves. ...

Souper Bowl of Caring
Sunday February 4. Through the Souper Bowl of Caring you can help provide for those who are hungry, seeking shelter and compassion for...

Communication Committee
Do you have job experience in communications or marketing? Please come forward and share your gifts with St. Peter's!!! We are...