From the Rector's Desk: An announcement about Fr. Andrew Fryml
Dear Parishioners of Saint Peter’s: Yesterday, the Bishop of Charleston released the assignments of many of our diocesan priests to...

Reanudación de las Santas Misas públicas: Lo Que Sucederá
Carta Del Padre Linsky Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: Decir que los últimos meses han sido difíciles no sería suficiente para...

Resumption of public Masses: what to expect
A Letter from Father Linsky Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: To say the past few months have been difficult would be an...

Reflections for the Sundays in Easter
Credit: TeamRCIA The eight Sundays of Easter have the same overall structure in all three Liturgical cycles. The first four Sunday...

From the Rector's Desk: Basilica closed for private visits until after Triduum
Dear parishioners of Saint Peter's, Today I traveled to Charleston to concelebrate the Chrism Mass with the Bishop and only seven other...

Holy Week 2020: Enter Deeply into the Passion of Our Lord
Saint Peter's has a long tradition of celebrating Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum with dignity and grace. Under these difficult...

Marzo 17, 2020: Actualización de eventos y cancelaciones
El lunes, Marzo 16, el Obispo anunció que las iglesias de esta Diócesis de Charleston suspenderán eventos litúrgicos como las Santas...

March 17, 2020: Update on events and cancellations
On Monday, March 16, the Bishop of Charleston announced that churches in the Diocese of Charleston will suspend public liturgical...

What you can expect at the basilica: Community and the coronavirus
One of the most important things we do as a parish is come together in community... for Mass and devotion, for fellowship, and for...

2020 Lenten Devotions at Saint Peter's
Deepen your faith this Lent with devotions on Wednesdays, here at Saint Peter's. Wednesdays during Lent: 12 noon: Stations of the Cross...